In the great clarinet solo of Sleeping Beauty by Tchaikovsky its not a bad idea to picture how a ballet dancer is up on their toes, to try to get the right character of the music. Lee has many fun tips and insights that hopefully will bring you further in your musical development.Print out the accompanying pdf to play from. Lee Morgan is considered one of his generations most important orchestral clarinetists and scholars. A student and a true desciple of legendary teacher and clarinetist, Robert Marcellus, Lee shares many of those same principles that Marcellus taught and shaped a whole generation of clarinetist with. In " The Lyrical Orchestral Clarinetist vol 2 ", Lee goes through 12 different orchestral studies in depth, with great tips and exercises of how to practice and what to focus on. Choose the exact orchestral study you want to focus on, to personalize your movie library of what you find necessary to develop your playing.