World renowned trumpet pedagogue and brass teacher, Kristian Steenstrup, shows how fast anyone can improve his/ her playing, if you do it right. Steenstrup has become world famous among top players from all around the world for his amazing skills to bring back the right habits and practice patterns to players at all levels. In Masterclass no 3 he shows how to prepare the scary piece Cascades by Vizutti, one of the most daring and challenging pieces for trumpet. Copy the film to your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. Kristian Steenstrup was born in 1966. He studied at The Royal Academy of Music (Aarhus) and at Northwestern University (Chicago) with Vincent Cichowicz and with legendary brass specialist Arnold Jacobs. He is author of "Teaching Brass", an important source book for teachers worldwide.
Kristian Steenstrup is great. Magic and a bit of comedy. This PlayWithAPro masterclass is one of the best.